How we work
Gather Resources: Local Data + Local Programs
Want to engage local leaders to how addressing the social determinants of health will improve population health outcomes? There are hundred of resources created to help leaders with a desire to transform community health. Pathways to Population Health guides frontline workers through the key steps to understand, analyze big data in your local context. Rather than start from scratch, smart leaders are meeting in coffee shops, utilizing online tools, finding connections between community organizations, and articulating the value of community collaboration to local stakeholders.
Cross Sector Collaboration: Clinic-Community Connections
Interested in pulling together frontline workers from different sectors to collaboration on health?Healthcare stakeholders underinvest in the key infrastructure that would enable better population health outcomes. Healthcare payers must collaborate with county health departments, businesses and nonprofits to build a Culture of Health, serving one family at a time. Pathways to Population Health accelerates bi-directional the clinic-community connects to help families, providers and payers save money.
Align Community Efforts: Collective Impact
Does your town have a strategy for measuring and reporting collective impact? Population health health is complicated. Collaboration is difficult. Financing community health is really hard. Pathways to Population Health can work with local leadership to develop a logic model that connects population health priorities to evidence-based programs that already existing in your neighborhood, town or county. We have experiencing helping rural communities gather resources, align community efforts, and improve health outcomes.
Rural health is dying the death of a thousand pilots. Programs never find sustainable funding = population health graveyard.
Projected growth based growing community-clinic connections
Wisconsin ranks 48th in public health spending. Local Health Departments cannot afford to pay expensive consultants to help write business plans and grants for population health collaborations. Pathways to Population Health traces existing funding streams, tracks cost-savings, and captures value for payers to expand funding for population health priorities at a local level. Our goal is to foster community partnerships based on shared resources, shard values, and shared impact. Pathways to Population Health will re- invest the revenue from the project as seed money for community collaborations to pursue a diverse range of local funds to pay for population health.